Transvaginal Ultrasound (TVU)

Private Gynaecological Scan

Transvaginal Ultrasound (TVU)
  • Safe way to examine the internal organs
  • Identifies abnormalities
  • Investigate internal issues
Pricing From £185
Consultation duration 30 minutes
Professional Sonographer
Next Steps Consultation
Results Same day report
Transvaginal Ultrasound Scans are internal scans of a woman’s reproductive organs and the surrounding pelvic area. It involves inserting a small probe, a transducer, into the vagina to capture incredibly detailed images of the organs in the pelvic region or early pregnancies.

lady sitting on couch and holding her tummy area due to pain

For many women, gynaecological problems can worry and impact both physical and mental well-being. We often find patients are embarrassed to seek help; however, the earlier you receive advice for any concerning symptoms, the quicker and easier they are to resolve, and you can return to feeling like yourself again!

Our sonographers use a transvaginal ultrasound to examine your uterus, endometrial cavity (or womb lining), ovaries, and follicles. During your ultrasound scan, we will investigate whether there are any abnormal appearances, or we may investigate an early pregnancy, evaluate the viability, and investigate any areas of concern.

Our sonographer will provide you with a detailed ultrasound report and images. However, they may not be able to give you an interpretation of the ultrasound findings, which will be discussed with your referring physician.

You may find that our sonographer asks you questions about any treatment you may currently be on to assist them with the scan and ensure the report suits your specific needs. However, please let us know if you rather not discuss these with your sonographer.

Unlike your standard x-ray, a transvaginal ultrasound does not use any radiation, and, as a result, it is a very safe procedure. It is also safe to have a transvaginal ultrasound during pregnancy.

You may find some discomfort during the insertion of the transducer, which may feel like a slight pressure, although the probe is similar to a tampon and generally not uncomfortable. Your sonographer will always talk you through the procedure and ensure it is as quick and comfortable as possible.

Your transvaginal ultrasound should take 15–30 minutes and requires very little preparation. You should be able to eat and normally drink before the scan. Your sonographer will describe the necessary steps when you arrive, such as emptying your bladder before starting the scan.

Should you wish to book a transvaginal ultrasound scan, you can contact us via our contact form or give us a ring.

Transvaginal Ultrasound (TVU) Scan:

  • Transvaginal Ultrasound Scan: Cost £185 
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