Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Screening
Assessment/Surveillance of Aortic/Iliac Aneurysms
- Very quick, painless & reliable
- Detect the presence of an aneurysm
- Mitigate serious health risks
An Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm usually causes no symptoms and often grows undetected. As the aorta expands, its wall becomes weak and may give way. If it bursts, the rupture is extremely dangerous and usually fatal. For this reason, an AAA has often been termed a “silent killer” with little indication of symptoms until the point of rupture. Smaller aneurysms are not dangerous; however, given that they can grow in size, it is essential to monitor them with surveillance scans.
If an AAA reaches the threshold of 5.5cm in diameter, treatment should be sought to prevent the risk of rupture.
There is now a National AAA Screening Programme offered to men on their 65th birthday. Screening is not routinely offered to women, men under 65 or people already treated for AAA, as the risk for these groups is much smaller.
It is also recommended that anyone with a first-degree relative (such as a brother, sister or parent) with a diagnosis of AAA should have an ultrasound scan at an age five years younger than their relative was diagnosed with the condition. Bodyvie offers a private ultrasound AAA screening service with its Specialist Vascular Sonographer for patients who do not qualify for the NHS-funded programme or wish to fast-track.
The NHS Abdominal Aneurysm Screening Programme estimates that approximately 6,000 people in England & Wales die yearly from a ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm. Sadly 8 out of 10 people with a ruptured AAA either die before they reach the hospital or do not survive the surgery.
Aortic ultrasound is a simple and quick screening option to detect the presence of an aneurysm and mitigate serious health risks. Having this scan cuts the risk of dying from an abdominal aortic aneurysm by about half.
Many of our clients choose to book an ultrasound scan with us after being referred for a AAA scan in the NHS by their GP, which sadly can involve a lengthy wait time, which they are not willing to endure. Private ultrasound at Bodyvie bypasses this allowing quicker & more convenient appointments & faster results
AAA Screening is a quick, pain-free ultrasound scan of your abdomen. The procedure is similar to a pregnancy scan.
During your appointment, your sonographer presses an ultrasound probe against your abdomen, moving it back and forth. The probe will send signals to the device, creating a clear image of the aorta.
A person should have an AAA screening between the ages of 65 to 75 years, especially if they have a family history of abdominal aortic aneurysms.
If a scan finds a small, symptomless abdominal aortic aneurysm, the patient will need to have regular scans to monitor the growth of the AAA.
While it is not known precisely what causes the aortic wall to weaken, there are factors which increase your risk of an AAA. These factors include increasing age, being male, smoking, high blood pressure, and cholesterol levels.
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