Abdominal Scan
Upper Abdominal Ultrasound
- Aids diagnosis of routine or serious concerns
- Fast and painless
- Shows organs and other soft tissues
An abdominal scan is often used as the first line of investigation when looking at a wide variety of clinical conditions experienced by both men and women. The sooner that any concerns are investigated, the better. Ultrasound scan can:
During your appointment, a detailed scan will allow your sonographer to take a detailed look at the size, shape, internal structure and condition of the:
The scan will enable an experienced Sonographer to differentiate between solid or cystic masses; including tumours, abscesses, fluid collection and inflammation within the abdomen, as well as calculi (stones) stones in the Kidneys, Ureters and Gall Bladder.
The Sonographer can also visualise and measure the abdominal aorta (the main blood vessel leading from the heart) to detect the presence of an aortic aneurysm.
In order for your sonographer to comfortably scan the required area, we ask that patients wear both top and bottom garments to easily expose the abdomen i.e. trousers or skirt and a top.
To ensure clear visuals during the scan, patients are required to fast for 8 hours. Clear fluids including black tea or coffee are however permitted. Diabetic patients should ideally request morning appointments, otherwise maintain food intake to control blood sugar, but avoid fatty or dairy products ahead of the scan. Any medications can be maintained as usual.
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