Gender Scan

Early gender confirmation (16+ Weeks)

Gender Scan
  • Confirm baby boy or girl
  • Check the health & growth
  • 98% accurate from 18 weeks
Pricing From £150
Consultation duration 20 minutes
Professional Sonographer
Next Steps Book ultrasound
Results Same day report
A foetal gender scan, otherwise known as a sexing scan, detects whether the baby you are having is a boy or a girl. It is recommended that you have this scan between 16 and 32 weeks of gestation, as before or after this period, it can become difficult to see or less accurate.

expecting mom & dad showing post it with boy & girl in front of pregnant mother

Determining your baby’s gender is offered routinely at any of our other scans during this period. However, you can book a foetal gender scan independently. Should you be keen on keeping the surprise a secret until you can involve others, we can very effectively determine the gender of your baby without revealing it to you or your partner.

Your baby’s sex is genetically determined at conception; however, all embryos look the same during their early development. Many expectant parents want to find out the sex of their baby to prepare themselves or their siblings for the incoming baby. Having a gender scan after 18 weeks means you have a much higher likelihood of an accurate gender scan. All embryos have a genital nub or protuberance. For boys, the bud grows and develops into a penis and scrotum, whereas for girls, the genital nub will become the clitoris and labia. It is gradual, but the difference can generally be detected from about 12 weeks.

In addition to the sex of the baby, your gender scan includes a routine growth scan to check your baby’s well-being. Your gender scan will also allow you to ask any questions you may have or discuss any concerns. Our specialists are very experienced and can advise you.

  • medical report
  • 4 printed images
  • fetal measurements
  • fetal well-being
  • liquor assessment
  • placental site
  • presentation
  • dating/EDD
  • gender information
  • 4D view option –  gives you an optional glimpse of your baby in 4D scan mode (dependent on the baby being in a good 4D position)

You are always welcome to ask us about the sex of your baby during any other pregnancy scan you may have. There may the occasion where the umbilical cord is in the way, disrupting the scan, or your baby’s legs are too close together, preventing us from clearly determining the gender.

Should this be the case, your sonographer will try different angles and other techniques to get your baby to move, but if this fails, we will happily reschedule your scan for another date. We will only give you a result when we believe we are delighted that we have accurately determined the baby’s sex; however, please note that sexing babies via ultrasound is known to be only 98% accurate from 18 weeks. Ultrasound alone can never provide a 100% guarantee of the sex of your baby.

Our NIPT testing does also provide an accurate gender specification.

Gender Scan:

  • Gender Scan (16+ weeks): Scan Cost: Singleton £150 Multiple £N/A

Should you wish to book your baby’s gender scan, please get in touch with us via our contact form, or give us a call.

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