Testes & Scrotum Scan
Men's Scrotal Ultrasound
- Reveals whether you have a cyst or torsion
- Evaluates disorders of testicles & scrotum
- Painless & non-invasive
Testes & scrotum ultrasound, also known as a testicular sonogram or scrotal ultrasound, is a painless and non-invasive exam that can help your sonographer identify a wide range of conditions before they progress.
A testicular ultrasound is the primary imaging method used to observe and diagnose abnormalities in the testicles.
A testicular ultrasound is a non-invasive scan that provides pictures of a male’s testicles & surrounding tissues using high-frequency sound waves.
Images from the test will help doctors detect patterns that might indicate cancer. They can also reveal whether you have a cyst (fluid-filled sac), turmo or torsion. An ultrasound can also diagnose testicular cancer or problems with blood flow in the scrotum.
For a testicular ultrasound, there is usually no special preparation required.
No need to fast, alter your diet, or maintain a full bladder prior to the scan. Typically, you will not receive sedatives, anaesthesia, or topical numbing agents.
Medication should not be interrupted or discontinued before a testicular ultrasound. However, if you are taking prescription or OTC medications, please speak with your primary care physician about their potential effects beforehand.
Ultrasound imaging of the scrotum usually takes between 15 and 20 minutes, but sometimes it can take a bit more time.
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