HIV Test

Private Blood Testing for HIV

HIV Test
  • Accurate results
  • Same-day appointment
  • Fast results
Pricing From £N/A
Consultation duration 20 mins
Professional Private GP
Next Steps Consultation
Results 24 hours
HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) is a virus that attacks the patient’s immune system. If HIV is left untreated, it can lead to AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome). HIV Blood Tests, also known as HIV screening, is the only way to determine if you have the HIV virus.

It’s recommended for patients to get HIV blood tests yearly, as early detection is vital in delaying the onset of AIDS. If you have the HIV virus, early detection means that you can start treatment immediately, suffer from fewer symptoms and most likely live a long and healthy life. Early detection also allows you to take steps to ensure you don’t pass the HIV virus on to other people.

It is also recommended that pregnant women get tested early, as early treatment prevents the passing of the HIV virus to the baby.

While there is no known cure for HIV and AIDS, new drug therapies have been effective in delaying the onset of AIDS and medications help treat and prevent complications and infections.

Approximately 40% of all new HIV infections are transmitted by people who aren’t aware of their HIV status. For people with undiagnosed HIV, early testing is the first step to a healthy life and reducing the chance of passing the virus on to other people.

There is a clear personal health advantage to early detection of HIV through HIV Blood Testing.

There are a number of HIV blood tests which we offer, which include testing the HIV viral load and determining whether there are HIV antigens or antibodies in the blood.

HIV tests are highly accurate, however, none of the tests can detect the HIV virus immediately after the infection. People who may have been exposed to the HIV virus should get tested immediately, although it can take anywhere from six weeks to a year for the body to develop antibodies.

Follow-up tests may be needed depending on the time of exposure. The average time for antibodies to develop is three to four weeks. The time between when a person may have been exposed to HIV and when a test can indicate the presence of the virus is known as the ‘window ‘period.’

Should the HIV blood test result be positive, this does not mean that the patient has or will develop AIDS. It means that the patient is carrying the virus that could cause AIDS and that they are able to infect others.

An HIV management plan should be followed as soon as possible and all precautions are taken to prevent spreading the virus.

Whilst there is no cure for HIV and AIDS, new drug therapies have been highly effective in delaying the onset of AIDS. Medications also help prevent and treat complications and infections.

Regular or routine HIV blood testing allows for early diagnosis.

Early diagnosis is highly beneficial because:

  • It can help you avoid high-risk behaviour which may spread the disease to others.
  • It eliminates any anxiety over not knowing your HIV status.
  • Allows you and your doctor to begin developing a treatment plan, which could help avoid complications and help you live a long and healthy life.

An HIV blood test is as simple as a usual blood test. An experienced health care professional takes a small sample of your blood and collects it into a test tube or vial. The process usually takes around 5 minutes. There are no preparations needed before the blood test.

To enquire about our HIV Blood Tests and others, please contact us via our contact form, or give us a call.

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