Coil Removal
Removal of all IUD & IUS coils
- Quick Removal Process
- Doctor Administered
- Easy Appointment Booking
At Bodyvie our doctors remove all types of coils, including IUD’s and IUS’s. Coils are designed to stay in the uterus for up to 3-10 years, depending on which type, and are widely known for being an incredibly effective choice of birth control, with a high success rate.
You can have your coil removed at any time during your cycle, though the most optimal time is during the latter period when your cervix is most elastic. The whole process can be performed in a single visit and in just a few minutes. Before removal of the coil takes place, we will ask you questions about your general health and experience of being on the coil.
You should feel completely normal after having your coil removal procedure, though some women experience light bleeding and minor cramping during and immediately afterwards. If you had been experiencing side effects whilst you were on the coil, these will subside once it has been removed, and your period should return to how it was prior to having the contraception fitted.
Any discomfort felt after your coil has been removed can generally be controlled with over-the-counter painkillers, notably paracetamol. You should endeavour to contact us if you arrive home after the procedure, and experience intense pain for more than a couple of hours.
You should avoid intercourse for 7 days before coil removal. You may wish to start an alternative type of contraception before your coil is removed, to make sure it is effective straight away after you no longer have your coil.
Just like in the case of a smear test, a speculum is placed into the vagina, and your clinician will identify the coil threads located through the opening of the cervix. The clinician will gently pull on the threads, allowing the coil’s arms to fold up and slide out. In some (rare) cases, special instruments may be needed to remove it.
An experienced GP will remove your coil.
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Company number 3849113