Moles are growths on the skin that may appear brown or black. They are caused by cells called melanocytes clustering instead of spreading evenly in the skin. The compounding cluster of melanocytes creates a darker pigment on the skin, which further darkens with sun exposure or during pregnancy.
Moles may be flat or raised; they are generally safe, but a doctor should assess any changes to your moles. A qualified and trained medical professional must perform mole removal to ensure safe removal, prevent infection and scarring and detect any cellular abnormalities. Mole removal is considered a minor operation if a mole is larger or raised.
Sometimes, if moles are small and flat and do not indicate any abnormalities, they can be quickly removed with our PlexR device.
Bodyvie works closely with The Doctor’s Laboratory when histology must be completed in the case of abnormalities to analyse any suspicious cells. Dr. Weber’s expertise ensures minimal scarring and safe removal of moles.
Moles appear brown, tan, red, pink or black and in a circular or oval shape. They can be small or up to a quarter-inch in diameter. If they are suspicious they can change in colour or shape.
Avoid sun exposure and apply SPF50 daily to protect your skin from UV damage.
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