As we age, our lips appear less defined as the redness of their character is reduced, diminishing contrast against our skin. We also lose collagen as we age or from UV damage and free radicals from smoking and pollution, breaking down collagen in our skin. Collagen is what keeps the skin supple and for the lips, more voluminous.
With less definition and collagen, lips appear thinner and aged. Particular movement of the mouth such as puckering from drinking from straws or smoking wears on the muscles around the mouth impacting the effect of aging.
To combat this effect, dermal fillers can be injected into the lips to restore volume and augment the shape of the lips with hyaluronic acid, hydrating and volumising lips to your desired shape. Our bodies naturally produce hyaluronic acid so we are able to safely metabolise the hyaluronic acid from dermal fillers. Depending on your metabolism and lifestyle, dermal fillers can last from 6-12 months.
Thin and undefined lips may cause the symptoms of poor self-esteem and the effect of premature aging. Lips may appear less pronounced and their colour may be less bright in contrast to the colour of your skin which willl further enhance the appearance of thinner lips.
To prevent the thinning and loss of definition to the lips avoid sun exposure, consume a collagen rich diet or supplement, avoid smoking, avoid the use of straws and apply an SPF to the lips.
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