
Resurface scarred skin

  • Boosts confidence
  • Restores even texture of skin
  • Stimulates collagen
Pricing From £225
Procedure duration 60mins
Recovery time 1 week
Local anaesthetic Topical anaesthetic
Result duration Permanent
At Bodyvie, we treat all three kinds of acne scars using techniques including micro-needling, laser therapy, chemical peels, and skinboosters. These are cautery treatments that can help address skin lesions, blemishes and imperfections.

Cautery refers to the use of an electrical current and elevated heat through a small metal tip, in order to treat a targeted area of skin. It can also be used to refer to chemical cautery treatments usually used in face/skin peels. It is an innovative sector of dermatology that can help address a variety of concerns. 

What is cautery treatment?

Cautery treatment is suitable for removing skin tissue that is softer than the skin surrounding it. However, there are different treatment types depending on the issue at hand. 

These types of treatments either use heat or electro-cautery to destroy unwanted tissue and stimulate collagen production. One of the biggest benefits of cautery treatment is that it can be done on most skin types but your suitability will be discussed in a consultation.  

Acne scarring treatments stimulate the production of collagen to naturally promote healing and regeneration. Chemical peels remove the top layer of skin to stimulate the growth of healthy new skin cells, while micro-needling delivers tiny pinpricks to the surface of the skin, promoting collagen production. Laser therapy uses laser heat to penetrate the skin to achieve the same effect to resurface the skin’s texture. 

The type of treatment you will require will depend on the nature and extent of your acne scars, so you will have an in-depth consultation prior to treatment and your aesthetician will advise you on the most suitable procedure to achieve the best results for your skin. Each treatment may vary from one person to another.

What is suitable for cautery treatment?

Cautery treatments can be used to address acne scars, alopecia areata, freckles, hemostasis, milia, mucous cysts, molluscum contagiosum, necrotised tissue, skin tags, stable vitiligo, warts and xanthelasma palpebrarum. 

However, if you have a very large lesion, an active infection, uncontrolled diabetes or keloidal tendencies, you need to consult a medical professional before pressing forward. 

Aftercare & Recovery

Following cautery treatment, you may feel a slight burning sensation on the surface of the skin and experience a scab for 1-2 weeks post-treatment. This is perfectly normal. You can alleviate your discomfort with an ice pack but the scab should be left to naturally fall off to avoid further skin trauma. Other side effects may include swelling and redness but these will also subside. 

You should regularly wash the treatment area with water, mild soap and any ointment/cream supplied by the practitioner for at least a week post-treatment. It is also very important to wear SPF 60 sunscreen post-treatment.

Skin Tag Removal with PlexR


Cautery with Bodyvie


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Friendly, knowledgeable staff and lovely premises. Super helpful with great after care. Would highly recommend. Miranda Scotting

Why Choose us?

  • Boosts confidence
  • Restores even texture of skin
  • Stimulates collagen

Consultation & price

Pricing From £225

Book your free consultation today!
Your therapist will advise the number of treatments to successfully achieve results as well as a home skincare routine to further enhance and maintain results.


What does the treatment involve?

The treatment varies depending on your skin and acne scarring.

How many treatments do I need?

As mentioned, cautery treatment can mean a variety of different procedures so this question is better answered after you have been assessed by our specialist doctor.

How quickly will I see results?

Because cautery treatment encompasses a range of procedures, you can usually expect the target area to be scabbed for anywhere between 1-2 weeks post-treatment.

High quality healthcare in Richmond
One of the first cosmetic clinics in the UK
CQC Registered
Experienced team of doctors
"I simply cannot rate this place highly enough. I’d give it 10 stars if I could. All the staff at Body-vie are friendly, welcoming and very knowledgeable. Dr Weber is someone with whom I trust implicitly. I went to another local aesthetics clinic before this one for a consultation and walked out feeling disheartened and very confused, I was made to feel like I needed to spend a lot of cash in order to get the desired result. "
Lisa Horgan

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