Moles have left their mark on trends and traditions through the ages. Quite literally and figuratively. The ancient Greeks used them to predict the future. During the 18th century they were the ultimate fashion statement in European royal courts.
Fast forward to today, iconic celebrities like Marilyn Monroe, Cindy Crawford, and Eva Mendes have once more established moles as timeless symbols of beauty.
But if your mole is causing discomfort or has become a health concern, there are several safe and effective ways to remove it.
A Quick Look At Skin Moles
A mole, also commonly known as a nevus, is a non-cancerous cluster of pigment-producing cells called melanocytes. They can vary in shape, colour, and size. They can be flat or they can be slightly raised and can appear anywhere on your body. From your face to your feet, it can appear at birth or even later in life.
And just about everybody in the world has at least one mole. In fact, most adults have approximately 10 to 40 on average! Which means that you are not alone and they are nothing to be ashamed of.
Common Causes Of Moles Appearing
Genetics, age, hormones, and even sun exposure can be a few of the active causes that lead to how moles appear on your skin. Some people are simply genetically predisposed to developing skin moles. Those with fairer skin are also more likely to develop moles from excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation from the sun or tanning beds because they produce less protective pigment.
New moles may also appear, while others change due to hormonal changes at puberty and during pregnancy. That is why regular skin mole checks are very important to keep tabs on any that may turn out to be suspicious.
Distinguishing Between Dangerous And Benign Moles
Most moles are harmless. BUT they can become cancerous if their DNA is damaged. If you have more than 50 moles (or some of your existing moles have changed in size, shape, colour, thickness, itch, or bleed) it is very important to have them checked. As these moles can develop into melanoma (a type of skin cancer). Skin cancer is the most commonly diagnosed group of cancers throughout the world. About 1 in 5 of these cancers consist of malignant melanomas. In the UK alone, around 17,500 new melanoma skin cancer cases are diagnosed every year.
Other warning signs that your mole may become an issue includes when it is larger than 6 millimetres in diameter or has an unusual border. Most melanomas will appear on either the legs or back but they can develop anywhere on the body. Approximately 20 to 30% of melanomas develop in existing moles, while the remaining 70 to 80% arise on previously normal skin.
Safe And Effective Mole Removal Procedures
It goes without saying that mole removal treatment varies from person to person. It all depends on your skin type, where your mole is located, and its size. It is, therefore, important to consult with one of our qualified health professionals in advance. During your consultation, we will evaluate your moles and medical history and advise on the best course of action.
Just to give you an idea of what to expect, for a small, flat mole, we would usually recommend PlexR. This treatment can be performed at the same appointment as your consultation. PlexR is a non-invasive medical device that uses plasma to treat a variety of skin concerns. It requires no incisions and comes with little to no recovery time.
If your mole is larger and/or raised, it may be removed using one of two methods. The first is a laser technique. This procedure lasts about 20 minutes and does not require stitches, although it may leave a small wound which our doctor will cauterise to prevent bleeding.
The second method is a slightly deeper technique called elliptical excision. This might be used if your mole looks suspicious, to ensure complete removal. A sample will also be sent to a laboratory for histology to analyse any abnormalities. This procedure does require stitches, which can be dissolvable depending on where the mole was removed from. Healing usually takes one to two weeks, but you can return to your everyday activities right away.
Last Words On Moles And Skin Mole Removal
From foretelling a person’s future in ancient Greece to giving insight into a person’s character in imperial China, moles have played a significant role in history, fashion, and even pop culture. However, some moles can be an eyesore, and others can be cancerous. Thankfully, 2025 offers modern, minimally invasive ways to check and safely remove unwanted moles effectively.
The golden rule is to have your moles checked every 3 to 4 months, but when in doubt, we are just a phone call away. Remember, your mental and physical health matter, and so do you. We are always here to help.