Treatment Area: Abdomen.

Patient Concern: Small localised area of fat which is resistant to exercise. The patient has had this for many years and has a healthy lifestyle and diet, but has been unable to resculpt this area despite spot targetting with abdominal exercises.

Treatment Requirements: The patient will require 2-3 sessions spaced 4-6 weeks apart.

Why do regular exercise and healthy nourishment not always work? The cause for this lies in our genetics and our fat cells’ unique structure in certain areas.

The human body naturally stores fat in order to supply energy in times of restraint. Fat cells in the subcutaneous fat tissue are difficult to diminish, as only their contents and overall volume can be altered,  but not the fat cells themselves. These particular fat cells cannot be reduced by diet and exercise and continuously serve as a reliable depot for the body to store fat. Aqualyx offers a non-surgical solution for destroying these fat cells.

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*Please note that the needle entry points may differ according to treatment location and size of the area. The above indicates the abdomen and serves as a guide only to help patients better understand what the procedure entails.

Patient’s treatment description:

“The treatment was quick, and downtime post-treatment was minimal. Immediately after Dr Weber injected the Aqulayx, my tummy felt tender and slightly swollen. Whilst I was advised that I might experience some bruising, this did not happen, and within 2 days, it was back to normal.

The only evidence I had undergone treatment was from the tiny needle points, of which only 2 of the 3 were slightly visible.

The Aqualyx was injected through 3 points on the belly to treat the entire zone, and because he pinches the fat when injecting, you don’t feel the needle going in. The sensation of the local anaesthetic spreading is an odd one –  it feels a little like cramping. I was very surprised by how easy the procedure was, and I’m looking forward to seeing the results after the course of 3.

I think the treatment itself took less than 5 minutes”. (Aqualyx Patient, Richmond)

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