Dr Andrew Weber re-launches Sculptra at Bodyvie
Sculptra is a unique facial injectable that replaces lost collagen during the ageing process with your own collagen. Sculptra is a rejuvenator and volumiser specifically designed to stimulate natural collagen growth, with results lasting more than two years.
The Sculptra lecture advocated using cannulas to improve results and minimise downtime associated with treatment, which typically includes bruising, swelling, numerous entry points and lumps. The new method of administering Sculptra requires only a fraction of the needle entry points previously required when using a standard needle.
I have been carrying out Sculptra for over 13 years now, having been one of the first UK doctors to offer this treatment. Sculptra remains a specialised treatment, and I am delighted to see an improvement in its application.
Hopefully, more patients will consider Sculptra as a dynamic option for anti-ageing treatment with its reduced downtime. The results produced by a course of Sculptra treatments can provide breathtaking results, restore volume and plumpness, and greatly improve skin tone and texture.
As dermal fillers do, Sculptra stimulates new collagen growth rather than just mechanically filling depressions.
Sculptra harnesses the concept of ‘well-ageing’ rather than just ‘anti-ageing’. Don’t wait for your skin to age before treating it; instead, help keep it healthy, so it ages well. The amount of Sculptra required is determined by age, sun damage, and whether you smoke or not, but usually, the treatment is carried out in 3-5 sessions separated by intervals of 6 weeks. Using cannulas in treatment results in a much more acceptable downtime or none at all.
We will hold an open evening on Thursday, 7th November 2013, from 6:30-9 pm. Enjoy live demonstrations and a Q&A session with Dr Andrew Weber and Dr Aggie Zatonska. To book your place, contact us.