Michelle Green is the founder of the lifestyle blog, ‘Fifty and Fab’ which explores beauty, style, health and exercise for women in their 50’s. With an impressive collection of reviews, Michelle has been featured in the Daily Mail and the Sun newspaper sharing her secrets of defying age. With a relatable approach to covering topics on many women’s minds like menopause, Michelle writes her blog with an open and honest recording of her experience.

Michelle visits Bodyvie Medi-Clinic to learn more about the solutions medical aesthetics offer and she debunks the myth of medical aesthetics being primarily invasive treatments.

Medical aesthetics can come across as daunting and extreme, however, there are many treatments available that are non-invasive to improve skin health and your health in general. Bodyvie is unique as we have a team of doctors with experience as general practitioners with a focus on mature women to empower confidence and comfort during the changes of life like menopause.

Visiting Bodyvie Medi-Clinic, Michelle explains her initial hesitation in regards to medical aesthetics as her main association with medical aesthetics is Botox which hasn’t been a treatment she is interested in trying. However, after speaking with Dr Weber, our medical director, Michelle was relieved to learn Bodyvie’s ‘holistic’ approach to ageing and menopause and the range of options and meno-tweaks Bodyvie offers.

“I spent quite some time talking to Dr Weber about HRT, because as you know I am on HRT but my journey to get to where I am now, with it being successful, has taken a lot of research and money and failed attempts!  I was also interested to find out Dr Weber’s opinion on the options available.

We discussed the term bio or body identical HRT and the difference between regulated (rBHRT) from your GP, NHS specialist or private specialist and unregulated (cBHRT) from clinics that use compounding pharmacies as well as the importance of moving towards full regulation for an industry that is confusing and misleading.  This results in too many women either giving up and thinking HRT doesn’t work or spending too much money on treatments that will never work.

The misleading press reports about the dangers of HRT have only confused the issue further.  And it is often forgotten just how HRT can protect our bone and heart health and offer long term protection from some cancers and possibly dementia. “

Bodyvie has recently started offering HRT / Menopause consultations to discuss everything about your health and ageing concerns with Dr Weber or a member of his medical team who will advise the best solutions from HRT to anti-ageing treatments and procedures to suit your unique skin and menopause experience to restore your confidence.

Click here to read Michelle’s full blog post on FiftyandFab.co.uk

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